When will it be Enough? #5

No, your meditation is not enough…

Your kundalini sex is only self-serving…

Your chakra activation is making no difference…

Your "money-festation" seminar with Tony Robins is not enough.

Sorry, but "living your best life" is not enough…

Your feeling of "love" and "peace" is not enough… It's just a feeling: a momentary energetic experience that will dissipate and make no real difference…

No, your Burning Man experience of connection with everyone is fucking bullshit, it changed nothing.

No, your Ayahuasca and Mushroom trip are not making any difference…

No, you did not have an "ego death" - your ego just got bigger because now you believe you are God but your thoughts, words, and deeds tell a different story…

Sorry, but your social justice fight is laughable (there is no sociALL in it - "just-I-See me, me, me"

And no, your political correctness is idiotic...

Your "pronouns" are irrelevant…

Sorry, but driving your Tesla is not "saving the environment", don't believe you're any better for it…

Making your bed is a good step, but it is not enough…

Your “Self-Improvement journey” has only improved YOUR bank account and YOUR living situation?

Let's be Self-Honest:

By all means, "improve yourself", dedicate yourself to become better.

But realize - that is not enough…

It is not enough if it does not make a real difference in the world.

And what would make a real difference in the world?

A world system that would support everyone.

Common Sense.

If you are benefiting from a world system that causes unimaginable pain and suffering to billions of people AND you do nothing to change this paradigm = then you are no good.

How could you? Be Self-Honest.

That's why, no matter what you do, deep down you still feel incomplete, you still feel like you are not doing enough, you still know something is missing — deep down there is still immense fear…

It's because your fellow man is still suffering!

That's why!

That's why it is not enough.

"No one is free until all are free"

To do "enough" - to BE "enough" - is not a feeling.

To be "enough" is a living and breathing application of Self as Equal and One as All, provably so in the physical.


It will be enough when NO-ONE is hungry because they don’t have money.
It will be enough when ANY-ONE with any kind of medical issue gets the treatment they need regardless of the cost.

It will be enough when the world actually changes

Only then have we been and done enough

When will you say “ENOUGH!” and really stand up for a world best for all?


Darwin’s Legacy of Deception #6


Who is SUPERIOR? #4