Why should you be BEST FOR ALL? #2

Why should you strive to be Best for All?

First question is: Why not?

Is there anything better to strive to be?

In REALITY - no, there isn't.

Obviously, the voice of self-interest will pop up and say "no, it's better to go and fulfil my desires even if it means I will not consider what is best for others; even if I have to lie, cheat, and deceive others to get what I want! I will go and make money no matter what, I will pursue sexual pleasure with as many people as I want; I will smoke all the weed and drink all the alcohol I want; I will have a family and live in my own little bubble and ignore the painful reality so many people experience in this world..."

It might seem reasonable to think that following such a voice is "the best thing to do"… But, the problem is that the voice of self-interest cannot see beyond it's desires and ignorance, and there are consequences that stem from allowing self-interest to be the guiding voice of one's life… This will be clear why.

Striving to be best for all is nothing new…

Best for All is just a different wording of what has already been said many times, in different ways.

Jesus used the words: "Do onto another that which you'd like to be done onto you"

It's the same thing.

And why is this important?

Here is where we must consider the nature of reality, the nature of existence:

Ultimately, everything is Equal and One.

Let me deconstruct this statement and prove this with Common Sense:

First, we are One with existence. We come from this existence, we are here, and therefore we are One with it. This means that we are not separate from existence.

How can That Which Exists be separate from Itself.
It can not!

This is a fundamental realisation: we are NOT separate from existence. Thus, we are not separate from each other, and we are also not separate from that which is here as the world-system we have created and participate in - for we made it in our "image and likeness".

We are one with the Earth. We came from this Earth, our bodies are made from the dust of the Earth.

And the Earth came from the Stars. And the Stars came from that singular point that originated this Universe.

We are the product of a singularity. Thus, we are singular (One).

The fact we are individualized does not mean we are separate.

We are individual yet indivisible parts of the Whole.

It is also right there in front of us in the word UNI-VERSE: We are different Versions of the same Unity = different expressions of the Same thing.

I hope this is enough to demonstrate we are One.

The next point is: we are Equal

Yes, ultimately, that is so. But at face value many will claim this to be false and make reference to how superior or great they are and thus believe they are entitled to more. It's either ignorance or arrogance that can lead to such conclusion… Let me explain.

There are "levels" to Equality - meaning, there are different levels of Quality.

But, in the end, we all have the same Quality: we are all made of the same, everything in existence is of the same essence.

In physics terms, call it atoms, or photons, or quarks, or dark energy… Fundamentally speaking we are made up of the same.

Here is a way to prove humans are all Equal: we all need to breathe, we all need to eat, we all need to drink water, we all need to sleep, we all need protection from the elements.

Here is the ultimate proof that we, living beings, are all Equal: We all die!

Death proves we are all the same. If anyone says they are "more" or "superior", you can be sure Death will always be there at the end to prove them wrong.

Yes, we are Equal in fact!

Yet, in certain aspects we are most definitely unequal.

Some life-forms are superior and some are inferior.

Some people have been gifted with superior genetics - and some with inferior genetics.
Some people were fortunate to have loving and caring parents - and some had the opposite.

But when it comes to our essence, we remain Equal = of exactly the same Quality.

In the next  blog I will explain further this point of how some life-forms (people) are superior and others inferior - and what that implies.

Continuing with the point of this blog…

We are Equal - but we are also unEqual.

This seems like a contradiction - but it is not!

This is an issue of LANGUAGE!

The problem is that we do not have a Word that means "We are Equal in essence" and another Word that means "we are unequal in our needs, abilities, and responsibilities"

A baby has needs that an adult does not have - and vice versa.

A medical Doctor has abilities that an Civil Engineer does not have - and vice versa.

A human has responsibilities that a bacteria does not have - and vice versa.

Did you know it has been calculated that there are about 39 trillion bacteria in the human body? If they stop their response-Ability, the body would die.

Next time you think yourself to be more than another person remember that your ability to have such a thought is only possible because of the bacteria living inside you.

We are Equal to bacteria - yet, we have different needs, abilities, and responsibilities.

Let's close the loop.

Isn't it obvious why we should strive to be Best for All?

Because we are Equal and One.

You are me, and I am you.

If I am Best for All - I am thus Best for Me - as I am All - and everything and everyone is Me.

Self = fleS(h)

We are the Same Flesh. We are the Same Self. We are the same Essence.

We are the Same Life.

What you do onto another = you do to your-Self.

The voice of self-interest will deny it and say "but I managed to lie and deceive and got away with it. I abused others and I got away with it. I've been pursuing my own happiness and ignoring the suffering in this world and nothing bad has happen to me, there's been no consequences coming back to me…


If you do not recognize your Oneness and Equality to All - and LIVE as such - then you are separating yourself from ALL.

And if you separate yourself from ALL - you shall not exist, because all that exists is ALL - so if you are not One and Equal with ALL, you are non-existent.

That's the line drawn at death.

We have a chance to make ourselves REAL (re-ALL) - to prove that we are in fact Equal and One with ALL; to prove that we stand for the Best interest of ALL, because ALL is Self.

If we don't do so = we are not Real, and thus we cease to be (because we did not make ourselves Real).

Isn't it obvious?



We are Equal - but not “all-ways” #3


To be BEST FOR ALL - what does this mean? #1